
"Argentina was the best thing that ever happened to my son. Thanks so much."

- A parent from our 2005 trip to Argentina

"Pathways is a small program I would call a gemstone."

- Linda Shaffer M.A.
Educational Consultant

"Pathways was the most productive 9 months of my life. Plus I got my diploma!"

- J. Apple, student 2011-12

"Pathways Abroad is a jewel of a program for any teenager who has lost his or her way.  Run by Rich, Wendy, Andy and Matt Simpson, a loving family of four, they work together to give the participants a more mature view of the world through travel, learning to speak Spanish, extensive volunteerism, course work at the high school or college level, exercise, diet and physical training, hiking and historic site seeing. Through all of these activities and through the careful guidance of Rich and Wendy Simpson, the teens learn about themselves and gain a healthy and valuable level of self-esteem and competency.

Our son has always had an enormous interest in guitar, singing and song writing.  Rich and Matt's enthusiasm and knowledge really encouraged our son to grow musically and to keep trying new things and to not be afraid of failure....Through the various music projects, Rich manages to create a lot of healing in the youth he takes care of.  Participants at Pathways need not be musically accomplished to enjoy the music projects, however. The attitude at Pathways is that everyone has something to contribute if they want to do so. 

When I reread what I wrote about Pathways Abroad, I find that the words are insufficient. It’s difficult to place a value on the gifts there and on the kindness of the people.  (My son) returned home last night, after 8 months away, a more developed and happier guy...who talked of his time at Pathways and wanting to be sure to keep up with Rich and the rest of his “other” family." 

- A parent from student in 2012-13


"My son, 18 years old, spent almost a year with Rich and his team in the Pathways Program. It changed his life and has given him a solid foundation to start his college career. After a very difficult senior year in high school, he went to a 10 week intensive wilderness program that got him away from bad habits and bad influences. He then needed a place to recover in a safe, loving environment while being emotionally and intellectually challenged and engaged. Pathways provided the environment to allow my son to continue to grow and to heal. Emotionally, physically, academically, and musically he has made tremendous progress that I thought could never have been possible a short 12 months ago..."

- A parent of a student in 2012-13

Fue una dicha para nosotros en Panamá haber conocido a la familia Simpson, a quienes consideramos un ejemplo de amor, de perseverancia, unidad, humildad, muchas otras virtudes y valores que son dignos de admirar. Gracias a la hermosa labor de esta familia, nosotros conocimos a un grupo de jóvenes maravillosos. Todos ellos a través de sus obras sociales y diversas actividades, dejaron una huella en nuestro país y en nuestros corazones. Nos dieron la oportunidad de aprender su idioma, compartimos experiencias e hicimos valiosas amistades. Todos esos momentos son inolvidables, pero sobre todo la calidad de personas que estuvieron con nosotros. Gracias Wendy, Rich, Matt, Andy, Eder, Zack, Eric, Jay, Patrick, and Lyn. 
- Familia Garcia 
Chiriquí Panamá 2013

It was a pleasure to have met the Simpson Family, whom we consider an example of love, perseverance, unity, humility, and other virtues worthy of admiration. Thanks to the beautiful work of this family, we were able to get to know a wonderful group of people. All of them, through community service and diverse activities, made a positive impact on our countries and are dear to our hearts. They gave us the opportunity to learn their languages, shared their experiences, and made valuable friendships with our family and friends. There were many unforgettable moments; the quality and kindness of the people is what we will remember most of all. Thank you Wendy, Rich, Matt, Andy, Eder, Zack, Eric, Jay, Patrick, and Lyn. 
- The Garcia Family
Chiriqui Panama 2013

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